St Marys Student Union
At 6pm on January 1st 19 St Mary’s students will enter the “Big Brother house” for O2E
What does this mean? These students (ranging in age from 18-40+) will spend 24 hours in the SU Lounge. They have no access to technology (not even a watch), have to complete ‘Taskmaster’ challenges and get to know 18 other students they might never have met before!
Students are “evicted” every 3 hours based on their individual fundraising total. The winner is the student who has raised the most for O2E
26 hours ahead of the competition, these Fab students have already raised £428 for O2E
Last year, the Big Brother house raised £2972 for O2E and we’re hoping to hit £4000 this year. Stay tuned on Instagram @stmaryssu for updates!
You can support this brilliant event by clicking HERE