2019 is already shaping up to be a terrific year. This newsletter looks at the challenges and just a very small selection of the activities already underway / planned. Much more to follow in the coming weeks but have a think for now about how you could get involved with a personal challenge to benefit you and all the children who would benefit from your endeavours.
Particular heads up to the Posse Welsh Magical Cycling Weekend, details below and numbers STRICTLY LIMITED to 40 on a first come, first served basis. Pencil the dates in and watch out for further announcements….. And finally, looking forward to seeing you all at the Launch night, WEDNESDAY 23rd January!
2019 TARGETS! With your help, O2e’s 14th year will build on the successes of the previous thirteen. There are just two targets for 1019:
TARGET 1: 30 events to be completed during 2019
TARGET 2: £2.500,000 donations since inception
O2e Superheros like you are our lifeblood, but events provide the focus for you to achieve amazing things, to channel your energies, to raise money for our fantastic causes and to build the O2e network. 30 events will be a record number for O2e, but we already have some 15 events in the bag, half the way there and a fantastic start to the year!! Have a think about events you might want to do; a long-held ambition, a challenge laid down by others, an activity you never thought you could do. It doesn’t have to be complicated or world-beating – there were two brilliant quiz nights in 2018, which raised huge sums without breaking too much sweat…. except for Timbo Green who was cycling throughout one of them. Alternatively join in with one of the existing events, or drop us a line and we will suggest events for you, or come along to the Launch Night (see below) and chance your arm with the O2e Events Lucky Dip!
£2.500,000 DONATIONS
This means raising £156,000 during the coming year, a formidable total but eminently achievable with your help. As you know, donating is not generally done with a collection box, pencil and paper these days it is mostly done easily on line and we have no less than 4 internet-based donation platforms, including Just Giving, Virgin Giving, My Donate and an to help with your fund raising. Furthermore we can help you build your donation web page and provide tips and suggestions for maximising the impact and success of your fundraising. Please note O2e does not require people to raise a minimum amount; we only ask that you raise whatever you can, be it £5 or £5,000!!
People love O2e
Spread the word, get your family and friends involved, get them signed up to receive the newsletter emails; all we need is their email address to add to the circulation list. People love O2e!!

See how your fundraising has improved kid’s lives and be inspired for 2019.
Come and meet our 2019 charities
Everyone welcome! Bring a friend and spread the O2e word.
Wednesday 23rd January at 6 for 6.30pm
Event is at: Man Group PLC, Riverbank House
2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD
Bar open until 11pm
Nibbles and snacks
New activities for 2019:
Kiss the Chairmen
Events Lucky Dip
Plus all the usual stuff…….
It will be fabulous to see you there!
Skelly 400 2019
The first event for 2019 is already underway and what an event it is! Skelly 400 is named after one of founding members and a super man named Paul Skelly, who sadly passed away some two years ago. Paul Challenged himself to ride 10 miles each day in January come rain, shine, hail, snow, ice and to ride 100 miles on the remaining day, making 400 miles in total. This formidable challenge lives on in his memory and is CURRENTLY being undertaken by at least 14 brave souls, including Maura Spencer, Pat Markey, Ollie Wade, Ollie Rastall, Roger Oxford, Brett Aldridge, Ben Hardey, Alan Connolly, Derek Martin, Matthew Cobbold, James Goodger, David Plews, Daniel Diment, David Heylin and moi. If you’re out there pumping away and your name isn’t on the list then apologies and please give me a shout! Needless to say, the mild weather has been a considerable help this year, but even so this is a relentless event not for the faint hearted. So well done to all; at time of typing the riders are on day 17; almost half way through and already at least three brave souls have managed the 100 miles in a day, which is brutal at 3oC. Well done to all!! Don’t forget to get your donation platforms up and running to maximise the fundraising. Shout if you need help with this….

Team AJ Darts Night
Team AJ – Ryan, Adam, Gemma and Mark from Source Supplies – are going to be cycling 150 miles from Dorset to Surrey over 2 days in September, despite no previous cycling pedigree! Anyways the team organised a darts night over Christmas and raised so much money they are still counting it (I can’t find the figure but it was £ hundreds). Brilliant work and hope the spin classes and going well!!
Welsh Posse event 2019
- Entries will open on 21 January.
- You know the dates.
- You know the routes – a little bit lumpy!
- The scenery will be magnificent!
- The weather will undoubtedly be amazing!
- The beer will be thirst-quenchingly sensational!
Don’t forget – the first 40 get a place, after that you’re on the waiting list.
More information to follow shortly….
Obese 2 Extraordinary
A revolutionary initiative by Timbo Green a few years back, this is a novel take on O2e’s physical challenge angle and encourages peeps to lose weight and lead a more healthy lifestyle by posting their weight every week, to glorious praise if it’s a drop and howls of micky taking if it’s a gain. A lot of fun and some serious underlying encouragement to eat more healthily and exercise. Currently the group is recording some amazing weight loss, with Ollie “not so fat” Wade leading the way with a loss of 11lbs since 1st Jan, closely followed by Kev “mines a donor” Tuohy with 8lb. At the other end of the scale…..more in the next newsletter. Joining is easy – just drop me a line with your opening weight and target weight….

First weigh in for one of the Ob2E team. There is a decimal point between the 9 and the 2. Nice socks Ollie Wade (name changed)
James Hambro & Partners donation
As many of you know, Jamie Bendon from Essex completed his first event for us in 2018. He went on to successfully nominate O2e in his company’s annual Christmas Jumper day and raffle fundraiser. So a massive O2e thank you to Jamie and to his employers, James Hambro & Partners, for the fantastic donation of £500.
Ollie Wade is a dangerous man Part II
Don’t say you weren’t warned.
More to come in the next newsletter.
Comments, suggestions, event information, donations, news, photographs….send them all to me at dd@O2e.org
Have a great weekend, see you on 23rd!