Massive O2e year continues…. with your help!

Difficult to keep up with all the things being done by you superfab, superhero O2e-ers. Easter has come and gone, events keep flowing in, donations and fund raising carries on apace. Last Saturday I woke up to a £100 cheque from Brian De’ath employers, how good is that? Keep this up and there will be an enormous O2e pot of gold at the end of the 2019 rainbow to make a difference to disabled and terminally ill children.
O2etastic xxx
Chloe, Nol & Chris – COME ON DOWN!

Chloe Gibbs, Nol Mara and Chris Syson flew the O2e flag and did us proud in the London sunshine. They truly smashed this iconic event and can all be fabulously pleased with their performances.
Chloe fought the pain of shin splints earlier in her preparation to come home in 4:30, a shade under my own marathon PB of 5:59. Nol Mara – a marathon virgin – produced a fabulous run of 3:59, joining the sub-4 club at his first attempt. And last but by no means least was Chris Syson, a colleague of the diminutive battleship that is our very own Nira Fulton, who wanted to make a difference to the lives of terminally ill children. He smashed his marathon PB with a time of 3:37!! Brilliant stuff, though he described his worst moment as “miles 21 to 24”; must have been hell. Between them this dynamic trio have raised more than £6,000 for O2e; fantastic effort you three! And how come Lee McGinley has the medals round his neck??
Tim Green smashed in Thailand

Tim showing off his perma-tan in an earlier Thai adventure
Tim Green, long time O2e supporter, in from the start, has just returned from Thailand where he was attempting to cycle the notorious Mae Hong Son Loop. Unfortunately Tim was the victim of a rear end shunt (no giggling at the back) a week before his departure and was close to pulling out with dreadful pains, but his grit and determination, coupled with non-refundable flight tickets, meant he packed his bags and gave it a go…. Tim managed three of the seven days in the saddle and then succumbed to sciatica, coupled with the conditions as Thailand experiences one of its’ hottest and most humid summers ever. BUT, he’ll be back when the back is healed and the temperatures are lower and this time with a support team if anyone fancies it? It’s a DNF Tim, but covered in glory. Best of luck with the healing Tim – Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Easter egg guessing game

Sponge 60th birthday celebrations

Sponge, Sue and Sponge(!)
admiring a beaut of a birthday cake xx
…..And Sue’s hubby Sponge Mc Sponge is undertaking three huge cycle challenges plus a variety of other nonsenses for O2e and to mark a “significant” birthday this year (it’s an anagram of “6” and “0”). Anyways the events include the Posse ride in Monmouth, the 26 mile London Parks walk in May, cycling the Camino de Santiago in June and then the O2e Big other Kev bike ride in September. As a starter Sponge kindly requested donations instead of prezzies for the big day (following young Leah’s example) and within a flash this kind gesture raised £1,430 for O2e coffers. Magnificent work Sponge and many happy belated returns from all at O2e. He doesn’t look 60 does he ladies?
John Milne absolutely monstering a monster

The Paris-Brest-Paris audax is an iconic event that strikes fear into even the most hardy of endurance cyclists.
Johny Milne, a long-time O2e supporter and all round top bloke is going to be attempting this 1,200km unsupported bike ride in August. Yes 1,200km and it is up to the cyclists when and if they decide to stop. Way out of comfort zones this one, Johny has to complete compulsory 200, 300 and 400 mile bike rides in preparation for the big one. This is a monster. Our very own Rafe “IT boffin” Aldridge attempted this a few years back and won’t be ashamed to say he didn’t make the start, but this is truly way out of comfort zone stuff so best of luck Johny. I don’t have a recent pic of Johny in action, so here’s a couple from an O2e event that lives long in the memory – 2011, a team of 4 attempted LEJOG in 3 days. Yes readers, an average of 300 miles each day, it was utter carnage.
Here are a couple of photies of Johny applying a little cream to a sore area after about 650 miles and later snatching a few minutes sleep in some 5* accommodation (a Shell garage forecourt). That’s what you get for drinking with Slatts… Best of luck with the prep rides Johny
Paul Skelly Memorial Ride