Without a shadow of a doubt, Daniel Silvester has earned his place as a Superstar; watching him run the length of the UK to raise money for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions has been awe inspiring. Take a look at the seven charities we are supporting this year to see how Daniel’s efforts will help change children’s lives. Daniel’s page currently stands at an incredible £23,501 – if you haven’t already donated, perhaps today is the day. John O’Groats
And that is a wrap! Lands End to John O’Groats. A huge journey for me both physically and mentally.
And that is a wrap! Lands End to John O’Groats. A huge journey for me both physically and mentally.
Interesting stats from the run
1034 miles
89,793 ft of elevation
170 hours of running
183,744 calories burned
1,838,696 steps
31 days of running (one rest day per week)
One torn hamstring, tendinitis, and emotional highs and lows.
Over £23k raised for O2e and rising.
Thank you to everyone who has donated, sent messages, shared posts and helped keep me going. It really has been heartwarming.
To O2e – what a journey! A huge response from everyone to help raise an incredible amount of money that I know will be so valuable to those who need help.
To my fellow adventurers – you all helped and inspired me in so many ways and was so lucky to share this experience with you all.
To James, Jacqs and Jools – Thank you does not seem to be adequate enough. You have helped give us all memories that will last a lifetime and made this such a special moment in time.
Thank you to my family for their unwavering support. They think I am slightly mad but have supported me throughout. I love you all x
I will leave you with the words of Roald Dahl!
Til the next time people!

A special message for Daniel from the inspirational Ade Adepitan