Today’s the day! It’s time to enter The Posse’s Wonderful Welsh Weekend!
You already know the plans, but to summarise:
Based in Monmouth, arrive Friday night, accommodation at the luxurious Premier Inn, ride Saturday (about 74 miles, about 1800 metres total ascent), ensure full rehydration Sat evening, ride Sunday (about 55 miles, about 1500 metres total ascent), go home in the full realisation that Wales is wonderful!
The routes are a little lumpier than usual O2e rides, but the scenery is truly spectacular, and the views (and the beer) will be well-worth the effort!
The cost is £215 per person, based on shared-room accommodation. This includes:
- Two nights’ accommodation, including breakfast.
- Morning coffee stops on both ride days.
- Lunch on both ride days (excluding drinks)
- Dinner on Saturday night (excluding booze)
- Souvenir ride t-shirt
Understanding the difficulties of asking again and again for sponsorship support, for this ride we simply ask everyone to make a donation to O2e, on top of the ride cost, of £100, £150 or £200.
The choice is yours, and choices will not be made public, but please be as generous as you can. What we do really makes a difference, and if every rider makes a £200 donation, we will raise £8,000 from this event!
Due to accommodation restrictions, we are limited to 40 places. The first 40 to pay get a place, after that you are on a waiting list.
What do you do from here? It’s very easy:
- Complete and sign the entry form (click here to download) and return by e-mail to Nick (nick.john@allmetex.com)
- Pay your entry fee plus donation to O2e (sort code 60-09-50, a/c no. 81190514)
On receipt of payment, we will confirm your place. You’ll also receive a short Gift Aid form to complete to enable O2e to reclaim the 25% tax rebate on the donation element of your payment.
If you pay, and it turns out that you are number 41 or 42 in the list, we’ll return your money and put you on a waiting list in case of subsequent cancellations.
If you have a confirmed entry and subsequently have to withdraw, we’ll refund your money only if we can fill the slot from the waiting list. Otherwise no refunds, sorry.
More complete details of the weekend, routes, joining instructions, etc, will then be sent out to all registered riders, by the end of March.
Look forward to seeing you all in Wales in May!
With lots of love from the Posse!
Link to Entry Form Download
In case of questions, please contact Nick on nick.john@allmetex.com, or 07739 884114