Just when you thought it was safe to lie back down on the sofa…. More O2e heroics on which to report; it’s our busiest year ever thanks to you lot. And still to come the World Bog Snorkelling Championships, the Birdman of Bognor, O2e karaokitastic and many more events later in the year. Some bad news though to start is an accident that befell Daniel Diment last week when he was hit from behind by a car and was “extremely lucky” to escape with a stable broken neck. Daniel is a fantastic cyclist and O2e supporter from down Ollie’s way and has done the Skelly400 every year, including the first Skelly ride to Sweden with his colleagues Gav and Ben. Best wishes to you Daniel from us all at O2e for a speedy recovery. On a related matter I forgot to mention that Tudor – one of the Welsh possee, who had skin grafts after coming off his bike earlier in the year, was sufficiently recovered to take part in the Possee Monmouthshire event in May. Great to see you back so quickly Tudor and hopefully we’ll see Daniel up and pedalling again before too long.
Take care out there peeps. xxx
Big Kev and Cazzer SMASH a very long bike ride in extraordinary heat.
Our very own Kevin Tuohy and Caroline Smithpulled out some big stops to achieve a 50km bike ride in sweltering heat last weekend, cycling from Dieppe to Forges-les-Eaux. This was double the longest ride ever by Caroline and was made even harder by record breaking temperatures up to 37oC in France during the weekend. And not forgetting that Kev himself almost left this mortal world a couple of years back, but pulled through against some significant odds. I’m sure I speak for the whole O2e family in expressing delight to see you back on the bike Kev and, rumour has it, faster than ever! And further rumours abound of making it 80km next year…. The team have topped the £2k mark with fundraising, a magnificent effort and helping to push O2e towards that precious £2.5m total target, well done to you both and big thanks to supporters Michael and Debbie!

Sign up for the Big Kev London to Paris ride

Amazing response – this looks like being another mega ride. I understand there are just a few places left with the existing hotel allocation that would take us up to 100 riders. So if you’re still harbouring ambitions and/or a couple of your mates are interested then please sign up and get your friends signed up too. This is a terrific challenge and we welcome cyclists of all abilities to join the friendliest peeps on the planet (with the possible exception of the BRC bunch). Fancy dress is optional and hero status is guaranteed for all the finishers. You know it makes sense. Register by clicking here or cut and paste the following into your browser:
Sponsor the shirts
The BKR shirts are classics and there are thirteen – one for each year. We are looking for sponsors who would like their names or their company names / logos to appear on the 2019 shirts. If you fancy it then please contact Avril this week at avriltuohy@yahoo.co.uk as we are on a tight timeline for getting the shirts designed and printed up. The idea is to cover the cost and we already have at least 2 generous sponsors with another potential sponsor in the wings, so the cost burden is already spread. Benefits of having your logo on the shirts are many and profuse, with the undying love of Treasurer Brett being just one.
DD and Bev’s Choppertastic adventure
Yet more cycling, but this time with a difference. DD Big Cheese and the long-suffering Bev SMASHED the entire length of the Liverpool to Leeds canal riding on Raleigh Choppers. 130-odd miles over 22 hours with very early starts (5am) to make sure we covered the distance in daylight. We were greeted at the end by Bev’s daughters Lucy and Charlotte with Lucy’s boyfriend Steve providing further moral support and some much-needed ice cold, dry cider. Yum yum. Riding a Raleigh Chopper was tough on mixed terrain and with the wind in your face. But on the plus side, we were greeted with much warmth and laughter by peeps reminiscing about their own choppers and we picked up £27 along the way with spontaneous donations. Raleigh Choppers have a unique place in the nation’s hearts and these two little puppies just might be available at the end of year auction.…. Alternatively buy some more on ebay and we’ll get a Team Choppertastic event in the diary for 2020.
With thanks for all donations so far you lovely peeps

Plewsy Mc Plewsy Sort of Iron Man

David is continuing quietly to pound the roads, cycle the hills and swim the hard yards to achieve an Iron Man of sorts each month for O2e. June’s stats were 2.58 miles swimming; 127 miles cycling and 28 miles running; fantastic work! David is now half way through the year and every penny donated will inspire him to continue to hit his monthly targets. All donations gratefully received, however big or small at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/s-o-i-m2019
Source Canal Marathon 3
Emily Blackwell, Nyree Coalter and Stuart Cannon of Source Supplies (Ollie’s gaff) will be undertaking their third marathon epic walk on 25th July for O2e. This illustrious threesome will be setting off from Hampton Court Palace in the evening and will be walking overnight along the river and canal to finish 26 miles later at Source HQ in Camberley some time on the morning of the 26th. Amazing event you three, brilliant job and best of luck for a following wind, clear skies and a nice warm summers evening. They are described as “…very much at the very heart of all we do at Source” by Ollie, who will be

aying on extra donuts on the Friday for the weary trio. Team Source
have already raised £545 plus gift
aid on top; let’s see if some
kind O2e generosity can get them closer to their target – click here or go to https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/emily-blackwell5
Beardy Al SMASHES the Cheddar Gorge Marathon
Six from six for Beardy, a Brie-liant, vintage run from a maturing athlete, getting stonger with every rind and no one can say he still (weighs a) ton – see what I did there? No details as yet from the Great One so here are a couple of rather fetching photies with Al looking resplendent in his specially designed O2e 12 in 12 T-shirt. Not available in the shops…

BRC Hills Challenge 2019
Not long to go now – it’s this coming weekend!! Sign up in advance or on the day – see below for details or at www.hillschallenge.com

Fin closes in on 100 x 100

Number 97 was the Greenwich Fun Run and number 98 was the Avery Park Fun Run (see picture). Just 2 more to go for Finty; watch this space peeps….
So close to ££ four figures….
A few words from one of our Charities…
And finally, Jo Turner, Chief Executive at Florries, wrote earlier in the year:
“The support of O2e makes such a difference to us and we are grateful to every supporter who has undertaken a significant personal challenge to raise funds to help children who face enormous challenges every day. We are deeply touched by your support…”
Keep up the great work and good luck to the BRC Hill Climbers this weekend.
Lots of love
Chairman DD Big Cheese xx