Day 2 – Lille to Amiens

Summary: There will be two route options. Both routes share the same water stops and lunch stops but between these the shorter routes are more direct and the long routes are more meandering in order to make up the mileage.

Start: Setting off when ready but we advise 8am. It’s a long day so slower riders may wish to leave a bit earlier.

Support: There will be water stops/support vehicles along the route (approx. every 25 miles) as well as local services along the route.

Hotel: Novotel Amiens Pole Jules Verne

Route DAY 2 LONG – 101 MILES –

Route DAY 2 SHORT – 79.9 MILES –

Route Notes;

To export to your GPS device, click “View Full Version” and then use the “Export” feature or download the GPX

Long Route

Short Route

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